98th Day
1. Perform the Preliminary Rituals. At Step 5, Continue:.
2. Face West.
3. Invoke the 19th Enochian Key and the Aethyr TAN (Tah.Ehn)
4. Invoke SIGMORF (See.Geh.Moh.Ehf)
99th Day
1. Perform the Preliminary Rituals. At Step 5, Continue:.
2. Face West.
3. Invoke the 19th Enochian Key and the Aethyr TAN (Tah.Ehn)
4. Invoke AVDROPT (Ah.Veh.Deh.Roh.Peh.Teh)
100th Day
1. Perform the Preliminary Rituals. At Step 5, Continue:.
2. Face West.
3. Invoke the 19th Enochian Key and the Aethyr TAN (Tah.Ehn)
4. Invoke TOCARZI (Toh.Kah.Reh.Zod.Ee)