1 These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth; sons were born to them after the flood.

These are the patterns created from meditation, after the corruption within the consciousness is removed.


2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras.

Gomer means “finished or perfected” and symbolizes the highest state of human reasoning skills.

Magog means “extreme extension” and symbolizes the desire to dominate others, that is a form of corruption in the psyche.  Madai means “middle portion” and symbolizes the subconscious, which lies between the conscious, thinking mind, and the super-conscious spiritual mind.  Javan means “deception” and symbolizes the human intellect in man and it’s characteristic of believing that understanding is gained through the impressions of the senses from the external environment, instead of from the spark of God within the Soul.  Tubal means “triumphal song” and symbolizes the expanding possibilities of human consciousness, as well as joy and goodness that result from increased understanding.  Meshech means “deducing” and “perception”.  He symbolizes the perception through the senses, judgment based on appearances, and the work of the mind in conceiving ideas and drawing conclusions.  Tiras means “determination of forms” and symbolizes the Imagination.  This is the mind’s image making faculty.  As the seventh creation of the expansion of consciousness\Japheth, he symbolizes the completeness of the manifestation of consciousness.

3 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah.

Askenaz means “hidden fire”, “fire that spreads”, and “latent fire”.  It symbolizes the new ideas formed from applying the thinking and reasoning skills.  When the practitioner begins to purify the mind of false ideas, that purity spreads to all parts of consciousness to assist in destroying the state of confusion symbolized by Babylon.  Riphath means “error” and symbolizes the energy of thought that, when concentrated on, spreads to all parts of the mind. Unfortunately, this occurs whether or not an idea is correct in actuality.  The name “error” implies a warning to always be seeking new ideas\more correct knowledge, lest you become close minded.  Togarmah means “to cause”, “to produce”, “to result in” and symbolize the state of concentration which is the focusing of the intellect.  All these are produced by the highest state of human reasoning skills.


4 The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.

Elishah means “God Saves” and symbolizes the part of the intellect that understands that the part of God in man to be the one true sustaining, saving power in man.  Tarshish means “severity” and symbolizes the tendency of hard, unyielding, argumentative tendency that is characteristic of the purely intellectual and reasoning nature in man when unmixed with divine love and the softening influence of spiritual wisdom.  Kittim means “the rejected” and symbolizes the judging of something by the perception of it through the senses instead of the inner spiritual understanding.  This way of thinking must be cut off, or ended.  Dodanim means “elect” or “chosen” and symbolizes the unifying thoughts that belong to the intellect n man.  All these are produced by the desire to dominate others.


5 From these the coastland peoples spread. These are the sons of Japheth in their lands, each with his own language, by their families, in their nations.

The coastland peoples symbolize thinking patterns.  The next to be explained are the influences produced by the expansion of consciousness.  Each has it’s own way of expression, in it’s own unique part of the psyche.


6 The sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.

The things that are produced by the concentration of the spiritual forces are Cush, which means “burned” or “blackened”, symbolizing darkened thought in which man has held his body and it’s activities, the seemingly mortal, physical part of himself.  Egypt or Mizraim in Hebrew, means “restrictions” and “bondage”, and symbolizes the belief that life and a person’s own being is bound to physical matter, suffering, and all forms of error that hinder him from receiving good.  Put means “state of being stifled” and signifies the darkened, sorrowful, and very material dying state of mind and body that results from a lack of spiritual inspiration, of the absorption and understanding of Spirit.  Canaan means "material existence," "realized nothingness," "lowland," "inferior." Canaan thus represents the Ego; the fleshly organism and tendencies of man; the physical rather than the spiritual.


7 The sons of Cush: Seba, Hav'ilah, Sabtah, Ra'amah, and Sab'teca. The sons of Ra'amah: Sheba and Dedan.

The influences produced by darkened thought in which man has held his body and it’s activities, the seemingly mortal, physical part of himself, are Seba signifying "radical mixture," "vital fluid," "intoxicated."  Seba represents unbalanced thought that goes to extremes, especially in the indulgence of the appetites and desires of the flesh.  Havilah means "struggle of elementary life," "virtue born of trial."  Havilah symbolizes the effort, the travail, the trials that are necessary to bring into manifestation the inner spiritual possibilities that lie behind and are wrapped up in the seemingly material organism.  Sabtah means "determining motion," "a trun," "orbit."  And symbolizes the general cyclical trend of the activity of the sensual in man: Led away by outer appearance, man has, through the exercise of his personal Will, set up a course of action in sense consciousness that falls short of the divine ideal and is contentious and destructive.  Raamah signifies "moved with agitation," "trembling," "quaking." Raamah represents the result or fruit of the ignorant thought of the materialistic man regarding his body. This result takes the shape of the nameless fears, inner trembling, and un-Godlike emotions that the sense man experiences. The significance of the name Sabteca is the same as that of Sabtah but greatly intensified.


8 Cush became the father of Nimrod; he was the first on earth to be a mighty man.

Nimrod means "self-ruling will," "rebellion."  Nimrod denotes the rule of the Ego’s Will in the animal forces of the individual; also a material belief in courage and might.


9 He was a mighty hunter before YHVH; therefore it is said, "Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before YHVH."

The Ego looks for understanding when confronted with the forces of YHVH.  This quest for understanding inspired the saying mentioned.  It refers to the vigorous seeking of knowledge.


10 The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, and Accad, all of them in the land of Shinar.

Babel signifies "court of Baal," "confusion," "chaos," "vanity."  When man thinks that he can comprehend and contract the Divine in outer or purely mental or psychic ways the result is always confusion.  Erech means "long," "extended," "slack"; in a good sense, "prolonged," "lasting."  Erech represents a state of consciousness in which, because of long and extended material thinking, the natural, inherent wholeness and goodness of man is conceived by him entirely in terms of the material, bringing about the disastrous results of error in body and affairs.  Accad signifies "castle," "fortress," "highland."  Accad represents a fixed state of belief that protection, great strength, exalted position, and superiority are to be attained through the intellectual and the physical alone.  Shinar signifies "two rivers," "divided stream," "divided mind."  Shinar represents a belief in two powers, an evil as well as a good one, and the error that results from it.


11 From that land he went into Assyria, and built Nin'eveh, Reho'both-Ir, Calah, and

The Ego, dominating the animal forces within the individual, creates a philosophy that does not recognize a spiritual head of the universe, and is based entirely on self-observation.  With this philosophy as a foundation, it commands the animal forces within, symbolized by Ninevah.  It also broadens this philosophy and control.  This broadening is symbolized by Rehoboth-Ir, meaning “broad places”.  It also creates a belief that age (in terms of years) and experience bring balanced judgment and perfection.  This belief is symbolized by Calah, meaning “completed”, “integrity”, and “an ancient”.


12 Resen between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city.

From contemplating the nature of the animal forces within and the knowledge that experience and the passage of time brings a balanced state of perfection and clearer judgment, the individual eventually learns that there is a spiritual source guiding one’s life.  The name Resen means "executive power," "control from above," "restraint." And symbolizes this guidance.


13 Egypt became the father of Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naph-tuhim,

From the belief that life and a person’s own being is bound to physical matter, suffering, and all forms of error that hinder him from receiving good, symbolized by Egypt, come Ludim, meaning "travails," "conception," "nativity or physical birth."  And symbolizing man's material beliefs regarding the origin and continuation of the race; also the expression of these beliefs.  Anamim means "statues," "rockmen," "fountains."  Anamim represents hard, material thoughts about life, which aid in building a corruptible body, a mere statue in so far as its being truly alive through union with the divine source of all life is concerned.  Lehabim means "inflamed uprisings," "passionate." Lehabim represents the life of the physical body activated wholly by the tendencies and desires of the outer animal man.  Naphtuhim ("the opened," "the hollow," "the empty ones") represent empty thoughts that lack understanding of Spirit (God), thoughts that the physical man is wholly material, and has no spiritual component.


14 Pathrusim, Casluhim (whence came the Philistines), and Caphtorim.

Pathrusim signifies "Region of the South," "broken into fragments," "dust."  The Pathrusim represent thoughts belonging to a state of mind that, though there is good in it, is still ignorant of the truths of Spirit (God) so far as the individual is consciously or subconsciously concerned.  Casluhim signifies "tried for atonement," "forgiveness of sins," "hopes of life."  The thought represented by Casluhim is that man's outer consciousness evolves, expanding Spiritually, by means of trials, testing, and experience.  Philistines signifies "transitory," "migrating," "wandering."  The Philistines represent forces foreign to Spirit.  The five great cities of the Philistines ruled by "Lords" denote the five senses under the dominion of thoughts foreign to Spirit (strangers, foreigners).  Caphtorim means "converts," "converters."  Caphtorim represents changing, growing, unfolding thoughts that belong to the body consciousness or Ego in Man.


15 Canaan became the father of Sidon his first-born, and Heth,

Sidon signifies "catching of fish," "providing," "hunter."  Sidon symbolizes a great increase of ideas on the animal plane of thought or being in the individual.  Heth means "sundered," "broken," "terrified."  Heth represents a very active thought of fear, the result of thinking apart from Spirit.  Both these are created by the Ego.


16 and the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgashites,

The name Jebusite signifies "trodden down," "conquered," "profaned."  A Jebusite represents the spiritual or peace center in consciousness (Jerusalem) in subjection to purely sense and carnal thoughts, beliefs, and desires.  Amorites signify "mountaineers," "highlanders."  The Amorites represent the race thought of the generation of the flesh.  Sex and procreation are very strongly rooted in man's consciousness and have been elevated by man in personal thought to the very heights.  Girgashite signify "belonging to that which is dense," "marshy ground."  A Girgashite represents the material state of thought that those who are unaware of their spiritual nature hold concerning themselves and especially concerning their physical body.


17 the Hivites, the Arkites, the Sinites,

Hivites signify "physical existence," "life born of effort," "wickedness."  Hivites represent the thoughts belonging to the carnal consciousness in man.  The name Arkite means "fugitive," "blind passions."  Arkites represent thoughts pertaining to the carnal consciousness in man.  The name Sinite means "clayey," "muddy," "hateful passions." Sinites represents thoughts that are corrupt in nature, having been created by a consciousness that does not have true understanding of Spirit and it’s laws.


18 the Arvadites, the Zemarites, and the Hamathites.  Afterward the families of the Canaanites spread abroad.

Arvadite means "avarice," "plunder," "pirate's den." Arvadites represent a combination of unstable, erring, destructive thoughts in a mixed, confused, ever-changingconsciousness of man. The name Zemarite signifies "hunger for dominion or thirst for power," "despot." Zemarites represent rebellious, tyrannical, despotic thoughts and desires belonging to the "mind of the flesh" consciousness in unredeemed man, the Ego\external consciousness seeking dominion.  Hamathite means "enclosed," "held together," "fortress." Hamathites represent confidence in material conditions rather than trust in spiritual power (God).  After their creation by the Ego, these things spread throughout the psyche of the individual.


19 And the territory of the Canaanites extended from Sidon, in the direction of Gerar, as far as Gaza, and in the direction of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.

From the combination of the Ego and the increase of instinctual thoughts come: Gerar meaning "a sojourn," "a lodging place," "an encampment." Gerar symbolizes subjective substance and life. In the beginning of man's journey toward Spirit, this substance and life are in possession of the sense nature (Philistines), and the ruling Ego (Canaan) of the sense nature that lives in the region of this place.  Gaza means "strength," "power," "stronghold," Gaza represents strength on a purely physical plane, which is experienced with the five senses.  Sodom signifies "consumed with fire," "hidden wiles," "covered conspiracies." Sodom represents an obscure or concealed thought or habit in man.  Gomorrah means "overbearing," "tyranny," "oppression." Gomorrah represents a state of Mind in man that is submerged in sense and is very tyrannical in its nature.  Admah means "silent," "unrelenting," "a tomb," "a fortress." Admah represents the seeming strength and merciless sureness of the thought of death and condition that enters into man's experience as the result of his carnal, material, adverse thoughts and activities. Zeboiim signifies "wars," "plunderings," "rendings with the teeth." Zeboiim refers to ravenous appetites, sensual passions, the wild-beast nature holding sway deep in the subconscious of many.  Lasha signifies "bursting forth," "fountains," "for looking upon." The cities that are mentioned in the text with Lasha as being on the southern border of Canaan are representative of the subconscious substance and life in man ruled over and actuated by various phases of the subjective carnal, sense mind.  Lasha symbolizes the bursting forth of this inner substance and life into greater activity in consciousness.  Lasha also refers to the penetration by higher ideals, truer understanding, of a seemingly mortal and material state of the subjective substance and life in humans that are unaware of their spiritual nature.


20 These are the sons of Ham, by their families, their languages, their lands, and their nations.

These are the things created from focusing the consciousness on the spiritual forces of creation, their ways, the places where they exist within, and their manifestations.


21 To Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the elder brother of Japheth, children were born.

From showing reverence for the collective forces of creation comes Eber, which means "passed over," "overcome," "a shoot." Eber represents the germination in man's consciousness of the spiritual phase of his being.


22 The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, and Aram.

Elam signifies "eternal or everlasting," "fully developed."  Elam symbolizes thoughts of the abiding, resourcefulness, and creative power of Truth, of that which is of Spirit (God).

Asshur signifies "a step," "level ongoing," "observance of laws," "harmonious."  Asshur typifies mental recognition that the entire man, SpiritSoul, and Body, is free, is of spiritual origin, and is not bound by any limitation of matter.  Arpachshad signifies "providential regeneration," "realm of astrology."  Arpachshad represents the belief in man that his good depends wholly on something outside of himself--his ruling star, fate, providence--instead of depending on the power of his own thoughts to establish within himself and his world what he wills.  Lud signifies "desire to bring forth," "conception," "creation."  Lud represents man's earliest conception of the truth that he is the offspring of God.  Aram means "highland," "high or exalted."  Aram symbolizes the intellect, which has its foundation in Spirit; but in un-awakened man it is linked up entirely with the outer or material realm so that it reasons from the basis of the senses instead of acknowledging Divine Mind as the source of all intelligence.  All of these are products of aspiring unto the forces of creation, which opens the individual’s consciousness up to them.


23 The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash.

The intellect produces these forces\influences: Uz means "growing might," "formative power," "plan."  Uz denotes the process of thought by which man arrives at a conclusion (be it true or erroneous) and establishes it in consciousness.

Hul means "circle," "ecstasy," "travail," "fear."  Hul stands for that part of the intellect in man which seeks to conform to both the spiritual and outer-sense ideas of wisdom and understanding.

Gether means "abundance," "pressed out," "vale of trial."  Gether represents man's belief that much physical effort is needed to make a living and to acquire abundance; thus he experiences hard labor and many things not in harmony with Spirit.  Mash signifies "pressing out by contractile force," "harvest of fruits."  Mash symbolizes the intellect in the role of accumulating knowledge.  The intellect is not naturally receptive to spiritual understanding. 

It is aggressive in its nature and it works very hard in the outer seeking to obtain by force, by personal determination, and by much persistent study and research the knowledge that it desires.  The very pressure of its outer seeking does open to it something of the inner light and intelligence of Spirit, though in its ignorance it usually takes to itself the honor of having worked out the ideas that come to it from Spirit.  However, fruit is realized in increased knowledge.


24 Arpachshad became the father of Shelah; and Shelah became the father of Eber.

Arpachshad represents the belief in man that his good depends wholly on something outside of himself--his ruling star, fate, providence--instead of depending on the power of his own thoughts to establish within himself and his world what he wills.  From it comes Shelah, which means "security," "peace," "demand," "prayer." Shelah represents a sense of peace, harmony, and security that has come about by prayer, affirmation, and desire centered in that which is good and true.  Eberrepresents the germination in man's consciousness of the spiritual phase of his being.


25 To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother's name was Joktan.

Peleg means "separation through grace," "cleaving," "dividing."  Peleg represents man's first realization of the difference and seeming separation between his apparently material organism and his inner spiritual ideals. Thus was the "earth divided," and the individual began to recognize his higher nature.  The name Joktan signifies "that which is diminished," "lessened," "of little concern." Joktan represents the lessening to the vanishing point of things in the consciousness that are not in harmony with the inner spiritual nature.


26 Joktan became the father of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,

Almodad signifies "measure of God," "the agitator."  Almodad represents a certain discernment of the boundless possibilities that are open to man if he makes practical application of Truth.  This understanding however proves to be a disturbing element ("agitator") in consciousness because it is not definite enough to bring about the real change of mind that is needed to establish peace and order and to bring forth spiritual fruit.  Sheleph means "reaction," "refraction," "drawing out."  Sheleph represents a working out from within of the spiritual in man; or at least a striving of Spirit within man for greater expression in and through the individual.  Hazarmaveth means "village of death," "court of death."  Hazarmaveth symbolizes a central thought or group of thoughts belonging to the sense mind of man and having as its ruling idea a strong belief in death.  Its conception of justice ("court") is always active on the negative, condemnatory, and destructive side.  Jerah signifies "he will breathe," "he will become inspired," "moon." Jerah represents the light (understanding) of the inspired intellect, or to the capacity of the intellect of man for being illumined by Spirit and for radiating the light of Spirit, divine understanding.


27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,

Hadoram signifies "powerful," "pompous," "majestic."  Hadoram represents the lifting up of the outer, sense mind of man, and the attributing of power and might to it as though it were man's highest source of light and good.  Uzal signifies "continual going forth," "divine spark." Uzal represents the continual expansion that takes place in the progressively inclined individual because of his natural tendency to conform to the divine ideal or divine spark within him, which is ever urging him on to higher light, new understanding, purer thoughts and ways.  Diklah means "palm tree," "palm grove," "ethereal lightness." Diklah denotes the inherent belief of man's inner, spiritual, or true self that complete victory over all error and complete triumph in understanding and life are his heritage.


28 Obal, Abima-el, Sheba,

Obal signifies "extreme attenuation of matter," "stripped," "barren." Obal denotes the barrenness, nakedness, and nothingness of all that is not founded in Truth.

Abimael means "a father from God," "father of abundance."  Abimael stands for the thought of man as being descended from God; also for the thought of abundance as coming from God.  At a certain stage of man's unfoldment however the thought represented by Abimael is not established in consciousness with enough positiveness to produce spiritual results.  Sheba represents wholeness or fullness on various planes of existence ("return to an original state," "repose," "equilibrium").


29 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab; all these were the sons of Joktan.

Ophir signifies "a final state," "purity," "ashes."  Ophir symbolizes that which remains after the deeper purification by fire has taken place.  Through purification by the Divine Mind, by the baptism of fire, all that is true is refined, purified, and elevated to its rightful place in the kingdom, while the dross or error of the carnal, adverse mind is reduced to dust and ashes.  Havilah means "struggle of elementary life," "virtue born of trial."  Havilah symbolizes the effort, the travail, the trials that are necessary to bring into manifestation the inner spiritual possibilities that lie behind and are wrapped up in the seemingly material organism.  Jobab signifies "fullness of joy," "trumpet call of victory," "desert," "wail of tribulation."  Here, Jobab represents a certain fulfillment of the seeming mortal and an entrance into that which the positive, spiritual meaning of the name denotes: a realization of dominion over error and a rejoicing in Truth.  All these things are produced by the removal of things within the consciousness that are not in harmony with the individual’s inner spiritual nature.


30 The territory in which they lived extended from Mesha in the direction of Sephar to the hill country of the east.

Mesha means "harvest of spiritual fruits," "heaped-up fullness of being," "refuge," "freedom." Mesha symbolizes a place in consciousness wherein the inner life forces of the organism are freed from the dominion of carnal thought, thus raising them to higher and more spiritual expression.  Sephar means "remembering," "engraving," "book." The east always represents the within, and a mountain or hill denotes a high plane of thought. In the consciousness of the individual, Sephar represents that high place within the spiritual realm of his being where a record is kept of all the thoughts, ideals, tendencies, desires, and activities to which he has given attention, even to those that belong to the seemingly changeable phase of the individual’s consciousness that is not yet established.


31 These are the sons of Shem, by their families, their languages, their lands, and their nations.

These are the things created from respecting the spiritual forces of creation, the added influences they bring, their ways, the places where they exist within, and their manifestations.


32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, in their nations; and from these the nations spread abroad on the earth after the flood.

These are the things created by meditating, the patterns that produce them, and their manifestations.  Their manifestations spread through the consciousness after the spiritual corruption is removed from the psyche.