22 The sons of Lotan were Hori and Heman; and Lotan's sister was Timna.

The name Hori means "cave dweller," "imprisoned," "black."  Metaphysically, Hori denotes thoughts belonging to the depths of the subconscious("cave dweller"), or a person wholly given over to the error beliefs signified by the Horites.

The name Heman means "lasting," "faithful," "trustworthy."  Heman represents thoughts full of faith and trust in YHVH.  Great wisdom and harmony are the result of these thoughts.

23 These are the sons of Shobal: Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho, and Onam.

The name Alvan means "tall," "sublime."  Metaphysically, Alvan denotes a lofty concept on the part of man in regard to the sensual or physical phase of his organism, whereby he glimpses the truth that even the outer man has his origin in Spirit.

The name Manahath means "resting," "restoring," "forsaking."  Metaphysically, Manahath designates a peaceful, restful thought and place in consciousness; a ceasing from outer activity, wherein both soul and body are renewed, and wherein something of error is forsaken and a degree of Truth is realized.

The name Ebal means "stripped of all," "bare," "barren," "stone."  Metaphysically, Ebal represents the adverse activity of the law in those who think and act out of harmony with divine principle; that in us which takes cognizance of the working out of error resulting from ignorance and disobedience.  This phase of the activity of the law always seems hard ("stone") to the sense consciousness upon which it falls, and it surely exposes ("bares") the nothingness of all that does not measure up to the spiritual.

The name Shepho means "nakedness," "barren," "wasted away," "unconcerned."  Metaphysically, Shepho denotes a mental activity in the body consciousness that is wholly "unconcerned" with the things of Spirit, hence is unfruitful and "naked" in so far as real life, strength, wholeness, substance, and good are concerned ("nakedness," "barren" "wasted away").

The name Onam means "vigorous," "powerful," "wealthy," "substantial."  Metaphysically, Onam denotes thoughts pertaining to strength and vigor; also to understanding and substance. He represents a belief in purely physical strength and power, outer possessions, and the carnal thought of understanding.


24 These are the sons of Zibeon: Aiah and Anah; he is the Anah who found the hot springs in the wilderness, as he pastured the asses of Zibeon, his father.

The name Aiah means "a cry," "a clamor," "a vulture."  Metaphysically, Aiah denotes destructive, devouring thoughts pertaining to the animal consciousness and to what should be the higher thought realm in the individual ("a cry," "a clamor," and so on).

The name Anah means "answering."  Metaphysically, Anah denotes error tendencies or strongly influencing thoughts deep within the subjective life forces in the individual consciousness that cause these life forces to respond to the desires of the flesh or sense man ("answering") instead of listening to Spirit.  (The Hivites and the Horites were descendants of Canaan, son of Ham; they were hostile to the Israelites in the Promised Land, and they had to be destroyed.)


25 These are the children of Anah: Dishon and Oholibamah the daughter of Anah.

The name Dishon means "fatness," "opulence," "fertile," "ashes."  Metaphysically, Dishon symbolizes richness and seeming fertility on the physical plane.

Oholibamah signifies the lifting up and exalting of materiality by the carnal phase of the soul.

26 These are the sons of Dishon: Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran, and Cheran.

The name Hemdan means "desirable," "pleasant," "precious."  Metaphysically, Hemdan represents the seemingly "desirable" and "pleasant" sense beliefs and activities of one who is not awakened spiritually.  These beliefs and activities however are but transitory and soon turn to dust and ashes, to vanity and vexation of Spirit.

The name Eshban means "man of wisdom," "man of understanding," "son of fire."  Metaphysically, Eshban represents the belief held by the outer man that wisdom and understanding come through the perceptions of the senses, and through reasoning.

The name Ithran means "abundant," "excellent," "plenty."  Metaphysically, Ithran represents ideas of great "excellence" and of great value; thoughts that are superior to their fellows, being active both in the deep-seated sense consciousness (Horites) in the individual and on the more spiritual level of his mind (the Israelites).  These are ideas that have taken on abundant substance, they involve belief in bountiful supply, and they lead to "plenty."

The name Cheran means "lyre," "united," "a joyous shout."  Metaphysically, Cheran denotes a harmonious, unifying thought that is active in the depths of the physical being of man ("united," "lyre").  Since this thought is not consciously united with Spirit, though its origin and tendency are good, it cannot bring about the perfect union of Man with God and the true spiritual harmony implied by the meaning of the name.


27 These are the sons of Ezer: Bilhan, Zaavan, and Akan.

The name Bilhan means "confused," "weak," "tender."  Metaphysically, Bilhan represents a "confused" state of mind and a lack of self-assertion ("weak") that are the result of a giving way to the fulfillment of the thoughts and desires of the unredeemed subconscious.

The name Zaavan means "disquieted," "trembling," "terrified."  Metaphysically, Zaavan denotes a confused, fearful, unstable thought tendency in the outer or body consciousness of the individual.

The name Akan means "warped," "keen of vision."  Metaphysically, Akan represents a ruling thought, or at least a very strong influential thought, in the sense consciousness.  This thought aids in diverting the individual from Truth and causes much trouble in the flesh.  It is quick to perceive ("keen") on the sense plane but is blind ("warped") to the real truth of Man's being.


28 These are the sons of Dishan: Uz and Aran.

The name Uz means "substantiation," "formative power," "purpose," "fertility."  Metaphysically, Uz denotes the process of thought by which man arrives at a conclusion (be it Truth or error) and establishes it in consciousness ("substantiation," and so forth).

The name Aran means "active," "a wild goat," "firmness."  Metaphysically, Aran represents aggressiveness and a firmness or obstinacy of thought that is untrained and undisciplined and is guided not by understanding but by outer desires ("a wild goat," "firmness").  This makes a place of refuge for many of the sense ideas of man that should be overcome.

29 These are the chiefs of the Horites: the chiefs Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah,


30 Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan; these are the chiefs of the Horites, according to their clans in the land of Seir.

The name of Lotan, the son of Seir the Horite, means "covered," "secret," "dark."  Metaphysically, Lotan represents a secret, hidden, ignorant ruling thought in the realm in man symbolized by the Horites.

Shobal, the name of another son, means "way," "traveling."  Each individual is "traveling" the pathway of life.  To a great extent the race has been and still is "wandering" about in ignorance and darkness as to the true source of man's being.  The "way" that each takes in his thoughts, beliefs, and expressions determines whether that which he brings forth shall be the fruit of the "mind of the flesh" or the fruit of the Spirit ("growing," "producing ears," "rain").

The name Zibeon means "immersed," "ravenous preyer," "wild robber," "dyed."  Metaphysically, Zibeon symbolizes a wild, lawless sense thought that has the capacity of adapting itself to the varying ideas and moods of the individual, and that thus remains in his consciousness (until it is cast forth by Truth), robbing his body of its energy and substance.

The name Anah means "answering."  Metaphysically, Anah denotes error tendencies or strongly influencing thoughts deep within the subjective life forces in the individual consciousness that cause these life forces to respond to the desires of the flesh or sense man ("answering") instead of listening to Spirit.  (The Hivites and the Horites were descendants of Canaan, son of Ham; they were hostile to the Israelites in the Promised Land, and they had to be destroyed.)

The name Dishon means "fatness," "opulence," "fertile," "ashes."  Metaphysically, Dishon symbolizes richness and seeming fertility on the physical plane.


31 These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom, before any king reigned over the Israelites.