Greater Air Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram

This ritual invokes a greater presence of the Divine and the element of Air, bringing greater Communication and Mental Activity.  It can be used anytime you feel a need for these things, but you must guard against acquiring these things in excess, which can happen when too much Air is present within a person. 

NOTE:  It is assumed that anyone trying to perform this ritual is already familiar with                                                  the LBRP, LBRH and Adorations of Ra, as taught on this website.  If not, review                                          information before attempting this ritual.

Part I:  Kabalistic Cross

1.   Face East.  Perform the Kabalistic Cross (as in the LBRP). 

Part II:  Pentagrams, Sacred Names and Evocation of Forces

2.   Using the Index finger of your Right hand, make an White Equilibrating Active Spirit Pentagram. 

      Make the Sign of the Enterer, pointing to the Center of the Pentagram.  

      Vibrate EHEIEH (Eh.Heh.Yeh). 

3.   Make the Sign of Osiris Slain and L.V.X. Signs.  Do not pronounce the letters or invoke the                  Egyptian deities.

4.   Make a Yellow Invoking Pentagram of Air.

      Make the Sign of the Enterer, pointing to the Center of the Pentagram.                 

      Vibrate YHVH (Yah.Veh).

5.   Make the Sign of Air.

6.   Raise your arms slightly, reaching up and in front of you. Say,

      "In the name of YHVH, I invoke ye, ye forces of RUACH (Rue.Ah.Kh)."

7.   Still using your Index Finger, draw a line of White Light from the Center of the Pentagram, around to          the South, stopping where the center of your next Pentagram will be. 

8.   Facing South, repeat steps 2 through 6. 

9.   Carry the line to the West

10.   Facing West, repeat step 2 through 6

11.   Carry the line to the North. 

12.   Facing North, repeat steps 2 through 6

13.  Carry the line to the East, arriving back where you started, completing your Circle. 

14.  Walking Clockwise, Return to the North of your Altar, facing South.

       Raise your arms slightly, reaching up and in front of you.  

       Repeat steps 2 through 6.

       In the following Invocation, vibrate each name.  Sigils are only appropriate for spirits                             (Archangels, Angels and other spirits).  These are given below.  Vibrate each of these                             names once.  As you vibrate the names of the Archangel and Angel, make the sigils.                               There is no need to write the Hebrew Names.  I give them only for reference purposes.                           The Sigils are Yellow.  Say, 


      "In the name of YHVH (Yah.Veh),

        of the Archangel RAPHAEL (Rah.Fah.Ehl),

         of the Angel CHASSAN (Kh.Ah.Sahn),  

         and of the Ruler ARIEL (Ah.Ree.Ell),

         I invoke ye, ye forces of RUACH (Rue.Ah.Kh).

15.  Make the Sign of Air.

Part III:  Practical Magick

16.  State the purpose of this ritual, saying,

      "It is the Intention of this Ritual that the Forces of the the Element of Air shall                                  __________."

17.  If you intend to Charge an object (such as a Talisman, Food, etc.), perform the 

       Ritual of the Middle Pillar, making the Light and Spheres Yellow.  Either hold the object                         or hold your hands over (or toward) the object.  Petition the forces to complete your goal.

       If you intend to skry for Visions of Air's Influence, enter a light Meditative State and                               await any Visions that may come to you.  Record any images you perceive in whatever                           manner is easiest for you.

Part IV:  Final Banishings

18.  Put away any Tools or other Charged objects before performing Banishing. 

19.  Give a License to Depart, saying,
"I now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ritual.  Depart in                           Peace to thy Abodes and Habitations and go with the Blessing of YHVH."

20.   Perform the Greater Air Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. 

21.   Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Be sure to banish this Elemental Force once you've completed your purpose with it.  Too much Air can cause one to be overly Talkative and over stimulate the Mind.  It can also interfere with the ability to stay Grounded.

Sigil Source: Kamea of the Moon