Ineptus Minor is from Latin words meaning, “Little Trifler”.  It corresponds to a state of mind that is not aligned enough to the divine to have full control over itself, but often falsely believes that it does possess such control.


On the Tree of Death, this degree corresponds to the Qlippoth called the Mire of Mud.  The demon ruling this sphere is called Thagirion, meaning “Litigation”.  Consciousness at this level is unable to find harmony because it always disputes everything.  The Fire of Calcination at this level of consciousness usually manifests in the individual being proven wrong on multiple occasions. 


To rise to the next degree (Plumbeus), the individual must acknowledge that he\she is not always right and thereby become more capable of opening the mind to the Higher Truths.  If the individual does not learn from their experience, he/she can eventually fall to the next degree of corruption called Ineptus Major.


This degree is the exact opposite of Adeptus Minor.