Plumbeus is a Latin word meaning, “leaden, made of lead, dull, stupid, heavy, oppressive, bad”.  It corresponds to a state of consciousness in which the lower natures (uncontrolled emotions, passions, and instincts) dominate and are almost totally without control by the individual. 


On the Tree of Qlippoth, consciousness at this level corresponds to Orev Zaraq, the Raven of Dispersion.  He symbolizes the dispersion of the higher energies by the corrupt nature of the mind.  These manifest as the uncontrolled emotions, passions, and instincts.  People at this degree also are often very oppressive of others, often believing that any power they have is entirely their own, and not born from personal connection with God. Alternatively, people at this level of consciousness may believe that there is no higher power or that they have no control or responsibility for events that occur in their own lives.


To get to the next degree, (Simulatius) the individual must stop trying to dominate others, and start focusing on learning to control\master themselves, thereby strengthening a conscious connection with God, and thus becoming more empowered.  This process begins by consciously looking at oneself.  This is a consciously controlled Calcination.  Should the individual be unwilling to do this, they are in danger of falling to the next degree of corruption, Ineptus Minor.


This degree is the opposite of Philosophus.