Ineptus Terminus is from Latin words meaning, “Limited Trifler”.  It corresponds to a state of mind that is restricted\limited in its thinking.  It is a state of being close-minded and lacking compassion.


On the Tree of Death, the consciousness at this level corresponds to the Qlippoth called the Place of Destruction. This is ruled by a demon called Gasheklah, meaning the Smiters.  Consciousness at this level lacks Compassion. The individual at this level of consciousness does not seek to help others, only themselves.  They can also be ruthless in the pursuit of their own goals, attacking anyone who gets in their way.  At this low level of consciousness, the individual usually has had more than a few run-ins with the Law due to their ruthless nature. This is part of the phase of Calcination that will eventually make them a better person if the lessons are learned.


In order to rise to the next degree (Ineptus Major), the individual must open their mind to the possibility of a new way of thinking, and thus acknowledge that there is a problem with their current one.  The individual must also learn to have more Compassion and respect for others.  Should the person be unable or unwilling to do this, then they can fall further into darkness, to a state called Corrumpo Templi.


This degree is the opposite of Adeptus Exemptus.