Corrumpo Templi- Corrumpo Templi is from Latin words meaning, “Corrupter of the Temple”.  It signifies a state of mind in which the consciousness is almost totally consumed by the darkness of the Ego.  There is almost no concern for others or any form of Higher Consciousness.  Instead, people at this level of consciousness become extremely materialistic and selfish.  This form of consciousness not only corrupts the individual, but can corrupt others by causing them to become more selfish.


On the Tree of Death or Qlippoth, this degree corresponds to the first level of Sheol, that is, the Grave.  It is characterized by the concealment of the Divine Consciousness by the Ego.  Thus, the spirits that exist here are called the “Concealers”.


In order to rise to the next degree (Ineptus Major), the individual at this level of consciousness must learn Compassion.  In short, stop being so selfish and learn to respect others and the Divine Consciousness within all Creation, including themselves.  The alchemical fire of Calcination at this stage can manifest as things like Loss of Friends, Loss of Employment, Loss of Freedom, and even Loss of Self-Worth due to the lack of any real contribution being made to the society in which this person lives.  Should the individual choose not to learn compassion or respect for the Divine Consciousness within them, they can fall to the next degree of corruption, Bardus.


This degree is the opposite of Magister Templi.