YHVH said to Moses and Aaron,


2 "When a man has on the skin of his body a swelling or an eruption or a spot, and it turns into a leprous disease on the skin of his body, then he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest, or to one of his sons, the priests,


3 and the priest shall examine the diseased spot on the skin of his body; and if the hair in the diseased spot has turned white and the disease appears to be deeper than the skin of his body, it is a leprous disease; when the priest has examined him he shall pronounce him unclean.


4 But if the spot is white in the skin of his body, and appears no deeper than the skin, and the hair in it has not turned white, the priest shall shut up the diseased person for seven days;


5 and the priest shall examine him on the seventh day, and if in his eyes the disease is checked and the disease has not spread in the skin, then the priest shall shut him up seven days more;


6 and the priest shall examine him again on the seventh day, and if the diseased spot is dim and the disease has not spread in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean; it is only an eruption; and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.


7 But if the eruption spreads in the skin, after he has shown himself to the priest for his cleansing, he shall appear again before the priest;


8 and the priest shall make an examination, and if the eruption has spread in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is leprosy.

Leprosy symbolizes substance separated from the Source or YHVH, to the extent that it has lost vitality.  This results from the use of the vital or sexual forces for the pleasure of the senses only.  The result is a leprous or impure condition.  These carnal passions must be removed from the other thoughts and feelings (quarantined) until they have been cleansed and sacrificed on the altar in the Temple within.


9 "When a man is afflicted with leprosy, he shall be brought to the priest;


10 and the priest shall make an examination, and if there is a white swelling in the skin, which has turned the hair white, and there is quick raw flesh in the swelling,


11 it is a chronic leprosy in the skin of his body, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean; he shall not shut him up, for he is unclean.


12 And if the leprosy breaks out in the skin, so that the leprosy covers all the skin of the diseased person from head to foot, so far as the priest can see,


13 then the priest shall make an examination, and if the leprosy has covered all his body, he shall pronounce him clean of the disease; it has all turned white, and he is clean.


14 But when raw flesh appears on him, he shall be unclean.


15 And the priest shall examine the raw flesh, and pronounce him unclean; raw flesh is unclean, for it is leprosy.


16 But if the raw flesh turns again and is changed to white, then he shall come to the priest,


17 and the priest shall examine him, and if the disease has turned white, then the priest shall pronounce the diseased person clean; he is clean.


18 "And when there is in the skin of one's body a boil that has healed,


19 and in the place of the boil there comes a white swelling or a reddish-white spot, then it shall be shown to the priest;


20 and the priest shall make an examination, and if it appears deeper than the skin and its hair has turned white, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is the disease of leprosy, it has broken out in the boil.