
1. Sit comfortably facing East.

2. Focus your mind on your breath, keep your thoughts focused on only your breath.  Your hands should be in your lap, palms up.  Eyes closed.

3. Allow your mind to relax while you focus only on your breath.  In time, the inner dialogue of your mind will stop.

4. Remain in this state of relaxed inner silence for as long as you wish.  This is meditation.


Meditation is the silence of the mind.  It is placing the mind in a state of silence and peace, thereby making the consciousness more receptive to Spirit.  Many people have different preferences concerning protection rituals used prior to meditating.  Some simply envision themselves being enveloped by white light.  The reason for the two rituals used prior to meditation in this routine is because they program the mind to center itself and deepen the meditative state.  These rituals aid in reaching the deepest meditative states, which are described in the Degree System of our order.