Degrees of Spiritual Consciousness

10=1    Ipsissimus                

9=2      Magus

8=3      Magister Templi

7=4      Adeptus Exemptus

6=5      Adeptus Major

5=6      Adeptus Minor

4=7      Philosophus

3=8      Practicus

2=9      Theoricus

1=10    Zelator


0=0      Neophyte


-1=10  Lethargus

-2=9    Incuriosus

-3=8    Simulatius

-4=7    Plumbeus

-5=6    Ineptus Minor

-6=5    Ineptus Major

-7=4    Ineptus Terminus

-8=3    Corrumpo Templi

-9=2    Bardus

-10=1  Effrenus


These degrees all represent levels of consciousness.  This spectrum of consciousness ranges from the most corrupt, to the most pure.  Only the Neophyte and ascending degrees of consciousness are recognized degrees within our order. 

A Neophyte is someone who has not started the Great Work yet, but has a sincere interest in doing so. 

All degrees below Neophyte are descriptions of levels of corruption within human consciousness and, subsequently, the world.  They represent the consciousness and forces we seek to be rid of, both individually, and globally.

A Note Concerning our degree system:

This information is intended for personal use by practitioners to check their progress along any of our spiritual paths. Certification is available, in certain instances, upon request, but is not necessary for the legitimate claim of having attained a given degree.  That being said, those who explain their degree should be aware of the implications of such a statement.  The idea behind sharing your degree information with others should be to better enable them to understand your point of view, not to brag about a title.