Threshold Rite Experience #1:

The first time I performed this rite was in 1999.  I performed it exactly as written, having found the ingredients for Threshold Smoke (Formula #1) growing wild in Florida.  Two friends and I went into the local woods with a small Stone Circle (I'd pocketed 12 small stones.  We used regular, common stones, as Preseli Bluestone was not available to any of us at the time this ritual was performed.) and the Incense.  I remember that one of my two friends was very anxious to get this ritual completed before the Millennium.  I'd already worked through Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick, in addition to some of the other rites in Douglas Monroe's 21 Lessons of Merlyn, so I was very confident in my experience and 'Authority' to perform this ritual:  Having laid out the Circle, each of us spoke the Grand Invocation.  Then, each of us spoke the Charm of Making, three times, as the spell directed.  The air suddenly changed.  There was a sense of Anxiousness, mixed with an eerie Calm.  Just outside of one part of the Circle, a very bright colored fog (which looked and seemed different than the normal fog that we could also see) began to appear.  I had wanted to stay within the Circle, as that is what I felt, intuitively, should be done, until the manifestation grew enough to enable us to actually walk into the glowing fog.  However, both of my friends were overzealous.  So, After one of them became possessed by a spirit claiming to be an elf, they bolted into the woods.  Feeling we shouldn't split up, I followed.  Further back in the woods, we encountered what appeared to be a small village unlike anything I'd ever seen.  Being familiar with the area, this isn't something I'd seen before and thought it was somehow "different".  I believed it was possible that, although we did not travel the way I thought we should have (through that glowing fog that I'd seen growing at the edge of our Stone Circle), we'd somehow made it anyway.  I actually wanted to go down and investigate, to verify this.  However, neither of my friends believed it and both wanted to go back the way we came.  So, that is what we did.  The "elf" that possessed my friend guided us back out of the woods and to my apartment, where we spent the remainder of the night.  A few days later, we returned to the site in the woods where we'd left the Stone Circle and our supplies.  Some of our supplies were there, but our Stone Circle was gone.

Threshold Rite Experience #2:

Deeply desiring another shot at this, I did the following on another evening:

At Dusk, Walking home from work, I passed a large natural clearing with woods at its border.  I spoke the Grand Invocation.  I then spoke the Charm of Making 3x, as the instructions call for.  I did not use any incense, and raised the spiritual energy through visualization.  The area suddenly felt eerily calm (like I'd encountered in my first experience).  I got the strong intuitive impression to return at the next threshold time (which was Midnight, in this case).  When I did return to the area at that time, I encountered a bright white, glowing ball of Fog that felt very charged, electrically.  The ball felt like Static Electricity.  I attempted to walk into it, but suddenly found that my legs would not work when I tried to do so.  I tried for what I estimated was about five minutes.  I then, audibly, heard a very deep, male voice say, "Get Out!".  I slowly turned around and took a single step forward, having found myself able to move again, away from the glowing ball of fog (which I assumed was a portal to the Otherworld).  As soon as I'd taken that single step forward, I turned around, looking back where the portal had been.  It was gone, leaving only an eerie calm.

Both of these experiences occurred on "Dragon Lines" (Ley Lines).  In the first one, my friends and I dowsed the area, using our astral senses.  In the second one, I did the same thing, having the good fortune to find a Ley Line that ran partially along the route I took, regularly, to and from the place I worked at the time.