1. Choose a place on a Dragon Line (Ley Line) or where two or more Dragon Line's Cross.  This requires

    Dowsing, unless you are at a known sacred site that others have found in this way.


2. Cast a Circle of 12 Preselli Bluestones.

With or Without the Circle, Continue as follows:

3. At the Center of your Circle, draw the Dragon's Eye.

4. Stand in the center of the Dragon's Eye.  

5. Merge your mind with the Earth and Sky, maintaining a Meditative\Receptive State.

6. Speak the Latin Incantation given below:


Audi me: Draco! 
Terra es et in caelo! 
Audire me facies tua antiquis Vox!


Ow-dee Meh: Drah-koh!

Teh-rah Ess Ett Inn Kay-Loe!

Ow-dee-reh Meh Fah-Chee-Ess Too-Ah Awn-ti-kwees Vawks!


Hear me, Dragon!

You are the Earth and the Heavens!

Fill me with your ancient Power!

There is no need to banish the Dragon, as this is the Life Force.  When you are done working with it, simply take a few deep breaths and go back to normal consciousness.  Erase the symbol.  Take up your Circle, etc.

Within the 21 Lessons of Merlyn and the Lost Books of Merlyn, as well as the Volume One of the Book of Pheryllt, a different incantation is given.  The one above is entirely of my own making, born of inspiration from all three books.  I felt this necessary due to the translated meaning of the original incantation, which can be found here.

Many variations of this rite are possible.  The incantation can be "fine tuned" to more specifically aid with desired practical purposes, etc.  Be creative and have fun!