The 'Arra Star' is the Babylonian name for the Pentagram.  The Pentagram is the symbol for the four elements of Matter being controlled and balanced by the Divine or Spirit.  It is a symbol of the proper order of spiritual energy.  In this ritual, it symbolizes the protective and organizing powers of Marduk, the supreme God of Babylon.

1. Visualize a brilliant sphere of white light just above your head.  It is brighter than ten thousand suns.  This is the     spark of both the Divine Mind and the Divine Power that reside within you.  Point to this sphere with your           finger or Athame (dagger).  Say: ZI DINGIR ANNA (Zee Ding-Geer Ann-Nah) (This means, 'Spiritual             Gods of Heaven'),

2. Now, point to your Feet.  Your hand should be covering your groin.  As you do, visualize the ball of                     Divine Light above your head send a stream of its energy down your body and creating a ball of white light that     engulfs your Feet.  Say: KIA (Kee-Yah) ('of Earth'), 

3. Now, point to your Right Shoulder. As you do this, see a beam of light branch off from the pillar of light               shooting down your body. This beam of light extends beyond your Right shoulder to the ends of the Universe. 

    Say: NERGAL (N-Air-Gahl) ('Mars'), 

4. Now, point to your Left Shoulder. As you do this, see a beam of light branch off from the pillar of light                 shooting down your body. This beam of light extends beyond your Left shoulder to the ends of the Universe.       Say: MARDUK (Mahr-Duck) ('Jupiter'), 

5. Finally, fold your hands at your heart. If you are holding your Athame, the point should be aimed upwards.           Say: KANPA (Kann-Pah) ('Remember'). 

6. Now, go to the East of your Altar and face East.  Draw and visualize a Banishing Earth Pentagram .        As you are pointing to the center of the pentagram or 'Arra Star', say: MARDUK (Mahr-Duck).

7. As you move from the East to the South, visualize a line of white light flowing with the movement of your               Athame from the center of the Pentagram in the East to the South.  Now, make another Earth Banishing               Pentagram.  Charge it as you did the one in the East, saying: NEBIRU (Neh-Bee-Roo).

8. As you move from the South to the West, visualize a line of white light flowing with the movement of your             Athame from the center of the Pentagram in the South to the West.  Now, make another Earth Banishing             Pentagram.  Charge it as you did the others, saying: NINNUAM (Ninn-New-Amm).

9. As you move from the West to the North, visualize a line of white light flowing with the movement of your             Athame from the center of the Pentagram in the West to the North. Now, make another Earth Banishing               Pentagram. Charge it as you did the other three, saying: MUMMU (Mumm-Moo).

10. Put your hands out, forming a large cross with your whole body.  Visualize a large cross of light extending in         all directions from your body.  Thus, it is an equal armed or Solar Cross.

11. Visualize a man standing before you.  He is slightly taller than most humans.  He wears a tall hat.  In his hand,       he holds a disk with a four pointed star on it.  From this star, at the four diagonal quarters, waves of light               shine forth.  Say, Before me, Shamash (Shah-Mah-Sh)!

12. Visualize another man standing behind you.  He is the same height as Shamash.  He wears a crescent moon         on his head.  Say, Behind me, Sin (Sinn)!

13. Visualize another man standing on your right. He is the same height as the others.  His hat is identical to                 Shamash's.  Say, On my Right hand, Enlil (Ehn-Lill)!

14. Visualize another man standing on your left.  He is the same height as the others.  He wears a diadem on his         head (this is a type of crown).  A fountain of water with dolphins swimming in it erupts from behind him. 

      Say, On my Left hand, Enki (Ehn-Kee)!

15. Visualize another man above you.  He is huge! His form takes up the entire sky!  He has a beard styled into         three strands.  Say, Above me, Anu (Ah-Noo)!

16. Visualize a beautiful woman below you.  Her face and body make up the ground upon which you stand.               Say, Below me, Aruru (Ah-Roo-Roo)!

17. Within you, right where your heart is, visualize another beautiful woman.  She has wings and the same type of       hat the men wear.  Say, Within me, Ishtar (Ish-Tahr)!

18. Put your hands out and separate your feet, forming a large pentagram with your body.  Visualize a bright,             electric blue pentagram all around you.  Say, For About me is the Arra Star!

19. Visualize an Eight Pointed Star within you, right wear your heart is.  

      Say, And Within me is the Eight-Rayed Star!

20.  Repeat steps 1-5 of this ritual.

In steps 1-5 of this ritual, you have aligned yourself with the Divine, making your consciousness a bridge between Spirit and Matter, Form and Force.  In steps 6-9, you have put a circle of protection around yourself, charged with names of Marduk, bringer of Order.  Marduk is the Lord of Lords, Master of Magicians.  Nebiru is the spirit of the Gate of Marduk.  He manages all things in their ways and moves the stars after the manner known to the Chaldeans.  Ninnuam is the power of Marduk as Lord of All that Is, Judger of Judgements, Decider of Decisions.  He who determines the Laws and Reign of Kings.  Mummu is the power given to Marduk to fashion the Universe from the Flesh of Tiamat.  He gives wisdom concerning the condition of life before Creation, and the nature of the structures of the Four Pillars whereupon the Heavens rest.  Thus, you have charged your aura with the power of Marduk, bringer of Order.  In steps 11-16, you have called the gods to guard you and maintain Order in your psyche and life.  Steps 18 and 19 establish the Arra Star (Pentagram) as a shield around you as both a symbol of Order and Light, and a symbol of your Authority over your Lower Nature, the world and the elements.  The Eight rayed star that is over your heart represents the alignment of the Celestial and Physical crosses, the merging of Spirit and Matter.  Finally, the last step reaffirms your alignment with the Divine and the power you wield because of it.