109. It is time to speak from the Sage's Seat; hard by the Well of Weird I saw and was silent, I saw and pondered, I listened to the speech of men. 

A wise person pays attention to the present, learns from the past and considers the future. 

110. Of runes they spoke, and the reading of runes was little withheld from their lips: at the High One's hall, in the High One's hall, I thus heard the High One say: 

Seek to understand the patterns that govern creation by understanding the pattern of your own Spirit

111. I counsel you, Stray-Singer, accept my counsels, they will be your boon if you obey them, they will work your weal if you win them: Rise never at nighttime, unless you are spying or seeking a spot apart. 

Following this advice will help you fulfill your desires: Do not travel at night or remain outside at this time unless you are spying or seeking solitude. 

112. I counsel you, Stray-Singer, accept my counsels, they will be your boon if you obey them, they will work your weal if you win them: 

You should never sleep in the arms of a sorceress, lest she should lock your limbs; Following this advice will help you fulfill your desires: Do not sleep with a sorceress.  She will seek to control you and confine and manipulate you. 

113. So shall she charm that you shall not heed the council or words of the king, nor care for your food, or the joys of mankind, but fall into sorrowful sleep. 

She will cause you to ignore your own thoughts and judgment, food and your own happiness. You will become depressed and confused.

114. I counsel you, Stray-Singer, accept my counsels, they will be your boon if you obey them, they will work your weal if you win them: 

Seek not ever to draw to yourself in love-whispering another's wife.  Following this advice will help you fulfill your desires: Do not attempt to sleep or flirt with another’s wife. 

115. I counsel you, Stray-Singer, accept my counsels, they will be your boon if you obey them, they will work your weal if you win them: should you long to fare over fell and firth provide yourself well with food. 

Following this advice will help you fulfill your desires: If you intend to travel a long distance, bring plenty of food.

116. I counsel you, Stray-Singer, accept my counsels, they will be your boon if you obey them, they will work your weal if you win them: Tell not ever an evil man if misfortunes befall you, from such ill friend you need never seek return for your trustful mind. 

Following this advice will help you fulfill your desires: Do not tell your problems to your enemies because they will take advantage of you instead of helping you. 

117. Wounded to death, have I seen a man by the words of an evil woman; a lying tongue had bereft him of life, and all without reason of right. 

Negative words from a woman can hurt a man very much, whether those words are true or not. 

118. I counsel you, Stray-Singer, accept my counsels, they will be your boon if you obey them, they will work your weal if you win them: 

If you have a friend, whom you trust well, fare to find him often; for with brushwood grows and with grasses high the path where no foot passes.  Following this advice will help you fulfill your desires: If you have found a true friend, visit them often or they may grow distant (meaning you’ll lose touch with them.).

119. I counsel you, Stray-Singer, accept my counsels, they will be your boon if you obey them, they will work your weal if you win them: In sweet converse call the righteous to your side, learn a healing song while you still live. 

Following this advice will help you fulfill your desires: Speak pleasantly to those whom you desire true friendship with.  Learn how to heal emotional wounds with words (meaning learn how to cheer people up.)