Bardus is a Latin word meaning, “stupid, slow, dull”.  It signifies a state of consciousness that believes it has no control over it’s environment or events in life.  All responsibility for events is ignored.  People at this level of consciousness often make statements about things being governed by, “Fate,” or “God”.  However, the statements are meant to convey the belief that they have no control and no immediate responsibility during their physical life.  The attitude at this degree is very dismissive of anything spiritual and denies all personal responsibility for the events in the life of the individual.  Consciousness at this level almost totally blocks the expression of the One Mind or God, and rejects all higher forms of consciousness.


On the Tree of Death, this is the second part of Sheol, the Hebrew word for Grave.  It is ruled by Ghagiel, the Hinderers.  These are thoughts that conceal or block the expression of the Divine within the individual.  Should the individual not change their way of thinking and stop blocking the Divine, their way of thinking will eventually lead to the death of that person.  The Fire of Calcination, at this stage of development, actually creates events that threaten the life of the individual that holds this low form of consciousness.  These events are a direct result of the thoughts that block the Divine that is still trying to express itself through the individual, by clearing blockages.  The events usually take the form of disease\sickness.  Even if the individual does continue living, their quality of life diminishes greatly.


In order to rise to the next degree, Corrumpo Templi, the individual must acknowledge that they are an expression of the Divine within themselves and stop blocking it.  They also must realize that they are totally responsible for all events that occur within their own lives and learn to control themselves and take control of their lives.  Should they fail to learn these lessons, yet continue to live, they can fall to the next degree of corruption, Effrenus.


This degree is the opposite of Magus.