This is an eclectic ritual that can be performed by anyone so inclined.  Its purpose is to attune the practitioner to the forces of Beltane.  After the basic opening, there are several ritual approaches that can be taken.  Choose whatever is most appropriate for your Path.

1. Perform the LBRPLBRH, LIRP and LIRH.

2. Standing at the center of your circle, facing South-West, say,

I recognize and celebrate the Sacred Marriage of the God and Goddess within all life, and within myself.

On this day of Beltane, May Day, I recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit within me and within all Life, who is also called God and Goddess, the One Thing and the One Mind, and Soul and Spirit. These are the forces that manifest as all these beings so honored in this sacred ritual.  May their sacred presence be unified within me, and within all Creation.  The God reaches full maturity and desires the Goddess.  Their union symbolizes full spiritual manifestation of Life and Enlightenment.

If you are following a Druidic Path:

Invoke the Active Nature of this energy by visualizing yourself as a great stag running and speaking the following Druidic Invocation:

Hounds, a streak of pink and white,

Follow like a tempest, baying…

Fires of Bel on every hillside,

Math, the Flower-Maiden making.

If you follow the Asatru or Odinist (Rune Magick) Path:

Contemplate Odin's accomplishments in his Quest after the Runes (Havamal: 137-144).

Invoke the Runes, IsaJara, and Pertra.  If necessary, their meaning can be found here.

If you follow a Christian or other Bible-based Path:

Contemplate the major accomplishments made by Moses and Yeshua.


Say, Through the energies of this ritual, of which the Divine Spirit in me is a manifestation, I invoke the Holy Spirit that is the perfect union of all opposites, under it’s many names spoken in this ritual to bring forth the consciousness of true unity in the universe, the Unity that is the Sacred Marriage of all opposites, the Unity which produces a new consciousness that sees all things as One, for this is True Enlightenment.  May the Immortal Spirit of Love, Harmony, and Peace, who dwells both within and without me, be now empowered anew within the world and within me.  So Mote it Be!