This is an eclectic ritual that can be performed by anyone so inclined.  Its purpose is to attune the practitioner to the forces of the Winter Solstice.

1. Perform the LBRP, LBRH, LIRP and LIRH.

2. Standing at the center of your circle, facing East, say

I recognize and celebrate the rebirth of the Great God within all life, and within myself.

On this day of Yule, the Winter Solstice, I recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit within me and within all Life, who is also called God and the One Mind.  He who manifests as the forms of all these beings so honored in this sacred ritual.  May his sacred presence be amplified within me, and within all Creation.  The Sun grows stronger from this day forth, symbolizing the Quickening of the Holy Spirit within me, and within all Creation.

If you are following a Druidic Path:

Invoke the Active Nature of this energy by visualizing yourself as a great stag running and speaking the following Druidic Invocation:

I am a stag of Seven Tines

I am a Roebuck in a Thicket

I am the pursued Messenger of Life…

Five days at Year’s End I run,

Five Days the Thicket Door stands open.

Five days the Hounds of Annwn upon my heals!

Hasten, Ready! The Sun awaits us,

Quicken, race! A Son is born,

Burning Yule with Bells at Dawn…

Fly windsong---cross the Sunrise!

Past a Winter Sea we sail, far behind us

Weep the Birches, bent with ice and branches frail.

If you follow the Asatru or Odinist (Rune Magick) Path:

Read the story of the Birth of Odin, identifying with all energies and culminating as Odin.

Invoke the Runes, Ur, Thurs and As.  If necessary, their meaning can be found here.


If you follow a Christian or other Bible-based Path:

Read the Birth of Moses and the Birth of Yeshua, the Messiah, identifying with the energy of each.

Give the Christian Benediction, saying:

May YHVH bless me and keep me:

May YHVH make his face to shine upon me, and be gracious to me:

May YHVH lift up his countenance upon me, and give me peace.


Say, Through the energies of this ritual, of which the Divine Spirit in me is a manifestation, I invoke the Holy Spirit under its many names spoken in this ritual to manifest more powerfully in the universe, and the world of the living.  May the Immortal Spirit of Love, Harmony, and Peace, who dwells both within and without me, be now empowered anew within the world and myself.  So Mote it Be!

Perform the LBRP and the LBRH.

Record your experience in your Ritual Diary.