Therefore when the Light circulates, the powers of the whole body arrange themselves before its throne, just as when a holy king has taken possession of the capital and has laid down the fundamental rules of order, all the states approach with tribute, or just as when the master is quiet and calm, men-servants and maids obey his orders of their own accord, and each does his work. Therefore, you only have to make the Light circulate: that is the deepest and most wonderful secret. The Light is easy to move, but difficult to fix. If it is allowed to go long enough in a circle, then it crystallizes itself: that is the natural spirit-body. This crystallized spirit is formed beyond the nine Heavens. It is the condition of which it is said in the Book of the Seal of the Heart: Silently in the morning, thou fliest upward.


-- Secret of the Golden Flower

Energetic Balancing is the practice of balancing the body's energy system.  This means the chakras and the aura. There are many systems that do this.  In fact, energetic balancing is the basis for all metaphysical and spiritual healing practices.

Some of the practices that can be used for this include:

Alkaline Dieting


Fervent Prayer



Ritual Magick



These are all used regularly, within this Order, so we are very familiar with their effects on the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit, which is the sum total of the human energy system.