Chesed Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram
Adeptus Exemptus Self Dedication or Initiation, Vision of Love

Prosperity, Political or Legal Victory, Health, Friendship or Luck

I.  Preliminary Rituals

1.   Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

2.   Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.

3.   Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.

4.   Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram.

II.  Invoking Chesed 

5.  Go to the East of the Altar.  Face East.  Trace a Blue Jupiter Invoking Hexagram, with the Index Finger       of your Right hand, while vibrating ARARITA (Ah.Rah.Ree.Tah). 

     In the Center of the Hexagram, draw a Blue Jupiter Symbol (located at the top of the instructions).               Charge it with the name, EL (Ehl).

6.  Project Blue Light through the center of the Hexagram, using the Sign of the Enterer.  Give the 

     Sign of Osiris Slain.  Give the L.V.X. Signs.  

7.  Raise your arms slightly, reaching up and in front of you.  Say, vibrating the God Name:

    "In the name of EL, I invoke ye, ye Forces of Chesed!"

     Point to the Jupiter Symbol.  Trace a line of White Light as you move to the next Cardinal Direction.             Finish the line at the point where the center of the next Hexagram will be. 

8.  Repeat steps 5 through 7 until you are again facing East.

9.  Still walking Clockwise, Go to the West of the Altar and face East.  Over your altar (or if there is no                       altar,  in the Center of your Circle) make another Blue Jupiter Invoking Hexagram, charging it as you did               the others. (Key Word, Divine Name, Osiris Slain and L.V.X. Signs, etc.)

10.  Raise your arms slightly, reaching up and in front of you.  

      In the following Invocation, vibrate each name.  Sigils are only appropriate for spirits                              (Archangels, Angels and other spirits).  These are given below.  Vibrate each of these                              names once.  As you vibrate the names of the Archangel and Angel, make the sigils.                                There is no need to write the Hebrew Names.  I give them only for reference purposes.                          The Sigils are Blue.  Say,

      "In the name of EL, 

        the Archangel TZADQIEL (Tzahd.Kee.Ehl),

        of the Choir of Angels CHASMALIM* (Khahz.Mah.Leem)

        I invoke ye, ye Forces of CHESED* (Cheh.Sehd)."

11.  Give the Sign of Osiris Slain and L.V.X. Signs.

* Remember: "Ch" is always like the Scottish word "Loch".

III.  Practical Magick

12.  State the purpose of this ritual, saying,

      "It is the Intention of this Ritual that the Forces of Chesed shall __________."

13.  If you intend to perform a Self Dedication or Initiation as an Adeptus Exemptus, give the Oath of that Grade.           Perform the Ritual of the Middle Pillar and Circulation of the Body of Light, visualizing the Light and                   Spheres Blue.

       If you intend to skry for a Vision of Love, relax and enter a meditative state, awaiting the Vision or Spiritual             Experience.  When you are done, record the Vision in your Ritual Diary.

       If you intend to perform Practical Magick toward Prosperity, Political or Legal Victory, perform the                     Ritual of the Middle Pillar, making the Light and Spheres Blue.  Either hold the object or hold your hands                 over (or toward) the target of the ritual.  Petition the forces to complete your goal.

IV.  Final Banishings

14.  If you've charged any Talismans, put them in their containers and seal them.

15.  Give a License to Depart, saying,

       "I now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ritual.                                                                 Depart in Peace to thy Abodes and Habitations and go with the Blessing of                                                         EL."

16.  Perform the Chesed Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram

17.  Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Sigil Source: Kamea of Jupiter