This ritual is used to Consecrate the Planetary Magick Wand.

Instructions for constructing the Planetary Magick Wand can be found here.

Preliminary:  Use this Planetary Hour Calculator to get the listing of Planetary Hours for each day, as                                  needed.

1.  On a Tuesday, during a Waxing Moon, in a Planetary Hour Mars, when Mars is not Retrograde,                   perform the Planetary Wand Consecration:  Mars (Red Stripe)

2.  On a Sunday, during a Waxing Moon, in a Planetary Hour the Sun, perform the 

     Planetary Wand Consecration:  Sun (Orange Stripe)

3.  On a Wednesday, during a Waxing Moon, in a Planetary Hour Mercury, when Mercury is not                       Retrograde, perform the Planetary Wand Consecration:  Mercury (Yellow Stripe)

4.  On a Friday, during a Waxing Moon, in a Planetary Hour Venus, when Venus is not Retrograde,                   perform the Planetary Wand Consecration:  Venus (Green Stripe)

5.  On a Thursday, during a Waxing Moon, in a Planetary Hour Jupiter, when Jupiter is not                                 Retrograde, perform the Planetary Wand Consecration:  Jupiter (Violet Stripe)

6.  On a Monday, during a Waxing Moon, in a Planetary Hour the Moon, perform the 

     Planetary Wand Consecration:  Moon (Light Blue Stripe)

7.  On a Saturday, during a Waxing Moon, in a Planetary Hour of Saturn, when Saturn is not                             Retrograde, perform the Planetary Wand Consecration:  Saturn (Indigo Stripe)

8.  Immediately after completing the previous step:  Again, take out your Planetary Wand, holding it,                 vertically, by the White section.  Raise your hands toward the heavens, Say,

     "Oh great Goddess of the Forces of Nature, great one who has been known by many names since         before remembered time, let thy influence descend and consecrate this Planetary Wand which I         dedicate to thee for the performance of Magick and Occult work."

9.  Wrap your now charged and consecrated Planetary Wand in the White cloth you have for this                       purpose, returning it to its place on the Altar.