Incuriosus- Incuriosus is a Latin word meaning, “careless; negligent”.  It corresponds to a state of mind that does not care at all about religion or spirituality.  It does not seek enlightenment, Truth, or self-knowledge.  This state of consciousness tends to cause the mind to become restless, create obstacles in life, and possess emotions that are uncontrolled.


On the Qlippothic Tree, this level of consciousness corresponds with the second part of Gehenna.  It is ruled by Gamaliel, a demon symbolizing the perversion of natural sexuality.  People at this level of consciousness possess perverted thoughts and uncontrolled lust and emotions.  Dreams at this level of consciousness are frequently sexual in nature, or nightmares.


To rise to the next degree (Lethargus), the individual at this level of consciousness must realize there is a problem with this way of thinking, and consciously choose to improve him\herself.  Should this not occur, the individual is in danger of falling even further, to the next level of corruption, Simulatius.


This degree is the exact opposite of Theoricus.