Lethargus- Lethargus is a Latin word meaning, “apathy” or “slowness”.  It corresponds to a state of mind that suppresses passion.  In the case of the spiritual path, it suppresses all desire for spirituality and the quest for the Philosopher’s Stone.  In fact, people at this level of consciousness usually fear God and all things metaphysical\spiritual.  Fear itself is the great blockage that suppresses passion for the Higher Consciousness.  Not only do people at this level of awareness suppress their own passion for Spirit, but they, in their fear, often try to suppress others as well.  Also, as the blockage of this passion grows, the consciousness degenerates into the lower degrees of awareness, culminating in the lowest: Effrenus, a state of consciousness in which the individual lacks any form of self control and refuses to accept any form of personal responsibility.

On the Tree of Death or Qlippoth, this level of consciousness corresponds to the first part of Gehenna.  It is the exact opposite of the Kabalistic sphere of Malkuth.  It is ruled by Naamah, a female demon who symbolizes the soul in an unenlightened state.  People at this level of consciousness experience many difficulties and tribulations in their lives.  The purpose of these is the alchemical process of Calcination, the breaking down of the ego in order to allow the Spiritual Consciousness to manifest.

To rise to the next degree, Neophyte, the individual must put aside their fear and take a real interest in spirituality and bettering themselves.  Also, they must begin some form of practical work to find balance within themselves and their lives.  They must take an introspective look at themselves and evaluate the course their life has taken as a result of their choices.  This can be done through a variety of spiritual disciplines.  If the situation does not improve, the individual can fall to the degree below this one, Incuriosus.

This degree is the exact opposite of Zelator.