These rituals should all be done in the order given, at least once per day.  Once you've committed the first and third sets of rituals to memory, you may perform them in your mind, if you wish.  If you do perform them in your mind, instead of physically, your physical body serves as your altar.  The instructions are given as if you are performing the rituals physically.  

Ritual set 2 (Five Rites of Rejuvenation) should always be performed physically.


Ritual set #1

Ritual Summary  (Read this First!)

Relaxation Ritual

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram

Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram

Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram

Ritual of the Middle Pillar

Circulation of the Body of Light


Ritual set #2

Ritual Summary (Read this First!)

Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation (yoga)

Ritual set #3

Ritual Summary (Read this First!)

Relaxation Ritual

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Rose Cross Ritual



Continue doing all three sets of rituals, once per day, as directed.  Also, take time to study and read the Book of Exodus to learn the lessons that, when combined with these practical exercises, will enable you to free your mind from materialism and experience the world from the perspective of Divine Mind.

Below is a special magick procedure to be used only in cases where others are trying to manipulate you.  It is not a normal part of your daily practice, but can be incorporated into it at times when you feel you are being spiritually oppressed by others:

How to Free your Soul from the Manipulation of Others